Congreve’s woes

“The Book as an Expressive Form” D. F. McKenzie 38-45

Who was Congreve?
What kind of plays did he write?
How were they received?

What is an epigraph and how it is used?

What is “The Intentional Fallacy” by Wimsatt and Beardsley?
What literary school does it explicate?
What does it advocate?

Compare the two epigraphs. How are they different?
What does the first one mean?
What does the second mean?

How was the epigraph meant to be used?
How do Congreve, then W & B understand the word “scenes”?

What makes McKenzie say that Congreve’s printer or publisher might have determined how the epigraph is written?
What happened to Congreve?

What is the problem with Wimsatt and Beardsley’s use of the epigram?
How does McKenzie explain the “cleaning-up” of the epigraph?

What are McKenzie’s point and conclusions in using this example?
How does he suggest that we look at the 1710 and 1946 versions?