Proposal (Book Quest: Part I)

Choose a book from our list of classics. It is preferable to choose one with which you are already familiar as, even though the contents of the book may be secondary to our concerns, you still need to know what it is about in order to analyse it properly.

If you choose a book with which you are unfamiliar, then you must read it before you begin.

Each one of these books is special to the History of the Book, and it will be up to you to place it in that context and to explain what aspects of its creation, manufacture, dissemination, or survival, make it of interest to our course. As you know, all of these aspects are of interest to us (if you are not sure, check the Darnton circuit and the Adams & Barker’s map.) You may look at several of these phases, or focus on a single one, but do keep in mind that Blake’s poetry per se is only of interest to us as the fuel that fed the composition and printing of his books.

On November 1, you will submit a two- or three-page proposal, explaining what you intend to do in the eight-ten page paper you will submit on January 10.

This will be accompanied by a scholarly bibliography containing eight peer-reviewed titles available in or through our library, at least three of which will be books.

A discussion of how these scholars will serve the needs of your discussion should be included in your proposal, so you do not need to annotate your bibliography.

Please submit a paper and an electronic copy.

Some questions to ponder…

Due: November 1
Value: 10% of essay’s worth