Last visit to Fisher Rare Books Library

A visit to the Fisher’s Rare Books Library at the University of Toronto (120, St. George Street) to see incunabula and first editions of your quest books has been arranged for March 28, from 12:15 PM to 1:45PM. Here is the link to the library if you are not familiar with it.
It will take over an hour (1:15) to get there from York by public transit in the middle of the day, so allow plenty of time unless you are coming directly from class. If you can spare the time, plan to walk around U. of T. as the architecture is quite wonderful.
Go to St. George Station; exit at the St. George end and walk south two blocks. Don’t go into Robarts until you see the Fisher Rare Books sign, just before you get to the light (unless you have time to look around, of course).
If you must take a car, be warned that parking is limited in the immediate University area; however, there is an underground parking lot across the street from the University Library, in the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management.
Link to campus map (the library is RB).